Standards and Guides

Some of our most important international standards and guides at a glance.

Standards and Guides

From the requirements that companies must meet to achieve PEFC Chain of Custody certification, to the specific steps stakeholders must take as they develop their national forest certification system, our documents are vital to the functioning of our organization.

We distinguish between four different document types:

International standards are applied directly in the field. These include our standards for Chain of Custody, Trademarks and Certification Body Requirements for Chain of Custody, used by thousands of companies, certification bodies and accreditation bodies around the world.

National forest certification systems use our benchmark standards to develop their national standards. They are not used directly in the field, but set out the requirements that national standards and their development process must meet in order to achieve PEFC endorsement. Our Sustainable Forest Management standard is a benchmark standard. 

Procedural documents govern the functioning of the PEFC system itself. This category includes the procedure for the assessment and endorsement of national standards. It also covers various administrative procedures for our national members and us, such as issuing PEFC trademark licences.

Guidance documents, as the name suggests, provide additional guidance for users of some of our other standards.

To access all our PEFC international standards and guides, please visit the resources section.

Some of the key documents at a glance

Sustainable Forest Management, PEFC ST 1003

This benchmark lays out the international requirements for sustainable forest management. Developed by a working group with representation of all relevant stakeholders, it describes the criteria and indicators we believe are vital for the sustainable management of a forest. 

Every national forest management standard must address these requirements to achieve PEFC endorsement. On the ground, this benchmark is the basis for the requirements that forest owners or managers must meet to achieve PEFC certification at local level, making it one of our most important standards.

Sustainable Forest Management, PEFC ST 1003 910.50 KB

Group Forest Management Certification, PEFC ST 1002

This benchmark defines the general requirements for national forest certification systems with group forest management certification. Stakeholders use this benchmark when they develop their national group certification requirements. It covers aspects such as the minimum requirements for internal monitoring and auditing within a certified group – a vital process if group certification is to be effective. 

Group certification enables the certification of a number of forest owners/managers under one certificate. Developed by us two decades ago, it allows groups of small-forest landholders to organize themselves, pool their resources, and work together to achieve certification. This makes certification accessible for small-forest owners.

Group Forest Management Certification, PEFC ST 1002 1.04 MB

Chain of Custody, PEFC ST 2002

This standard lays out the requirements for chain of custody certification for forest and tree based products – the conditions a company must meet in order to achieve PEFC certification. During the certification process, the certification body will assess the company against the requirements set out in this document. If the company complies, they will receive their PEFC chain of custody certificate. 

PEFC chain of custody establishes the link from the forest to the market, tracking forest and tree based products from sustainable sources to the final product. In addition, this standard includes management requirements, including on health, safety and labour issues.

Chain of Custody, PEFC ST 2002:2020 440.64 KB

PEFC Trademarks Rules, PEFC ST 2001

The standard covers the requirements that entities must follow when using the PEFC trademarks, in order to ensure accurate, verifiable, relevant and non-misleading use of the PEFC logo and related claims. It defines the legal protection of the PEFC trademarks; rights to use them; trademarks usage categories and the requirements for on- and off-product usage.

All entities, including PEFC-certified companies and forest owners, brand owners, NGOs and PEFC members, most follow these requirements whenever using the PEFC trademarks. 

PEFC Trademarks Rules, PEFC ST 2001:2020 1.92 MB

Requirements for Certification Bodies providing Chain of Custody Certification, PEFC ST 2003

This standard describes the requirements certification bodies must comply with in order to provide chain of custody certification, in addition to the accreditation requirements. It provides system specific requirements, and ensures that chain of custody audits take place consistently worldwide and are tailored to the specification of each PEFC chain of custody. 

Certification Body Requirements – Chain of Custody, PEFC ST 2003:2020 589.43 KB

Requirements for Certification Bodies operating Certification against PEFC Endorsed Forest Management Standards, PEFC ST 1004

This standard lays out the PEFC international benchmark requirements for certification bodies operating sustainable forest management certification. It defines the minimum international requirements for certification bodies to be adopted by PEFC endorsed forest certification systems and indicates the specific benchmark requirements that shall be further developed by PEFC endorsed forest certification systems.

Requirements for Certification Bodies operating Certification against PEFC Endorsed Forest Management Standards, PEFC ST 1004 1.01 MB

Standard Setting, PEFC ST 1001

This benchmark outlines the processes and steps that must take place during the development, review and revision of national forest management standards. It covers the specific steps of the standard setting process and requirements for the composition of the working group responsible for developing the standard, as well as the process for reviewing and revising the standard

This benchmark is important, as we believe the standards development process is just as important as the final content. Without this, we cannot be sure the process is open, transparent and consensus-driven, with balanced stakeholder representation. 

Standard Setting, PEFC ST 1001 1.71 MB

Endorsement of National Systems, PEFC GD 1007

This procedural document describes the requirements for the endorsement and mutual recognition process of new, reviewed, revised and/or amended national forest certification systems. It covers the steps of the assessment process that every national system must go through in order to achieve PEFC endorsement. It also sets the framework for the endorsement decision-making process, providing fairness and equity for all applicants.

Endorsement of National Systems, PEFC GD 1007 1.01 MB

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