23 March 2017
Chile embraces sustainability in construction
Sustainability in Chile’s construction sector got a boost as the Chile Green Building Council signed a collaboration agreement with CertforChile.
21 March 2017
Boosting innovation with forests: it’s the International Day of Forests!
As we celebrate the International Day of Forests, Thorsten Arndt, our Head of Communications at PEFC International, is in Brussels to highlight how forests can boost innovation and the bio-economy.
15 March 2017
2017 PEFC Collaboration Fund deadline approaches – apply now!
Collaboration Fund
With the deadline just a few weeks away, we encourage anyone who was not yet applied for the 2017 PEFC Collaboration Fund to send us their proposals for new and innovative projects.
10 March 2017
Wood pavilion wows the construction crowd in the Netherlands
The eye-catching Houtpaviljoen (Wood Pavilion) captivated the crowds earlier this month at the 2017 BouwBeurs construction fair in the Netherlands.
8 March 2017
Changes on the horizon for the PEFC endorsement process
PEFC system news
Improving the efficiency and robustness of our endorsement process is a top priority as the revision of our key international standards enters its second year.