2 March 2017
PEFC welcomes Double A as International Stakeholder member
Double A, a major pulp and paper producer in Thailand, has been accepted by PEFC as an International Stakeholder member.
1 March 2017
PEFC puts forest certification under the EU microscope
From the FLEGT Action Plan to the EU Framework for sustainable biomass: the role of forest certification was in the spotlight at the PEFC EU Policy Conference.
21 February 2017
PEFC intensifies cooperation with accreditation bodies
Program managers and technical experts from 11 countries travelled to Geneva for an intensive training program, focused specifically on chain of custody.
9 February 2017
Certified forests’ vital contribution to award winning wooden car
Looking for a little roadster made from wood? Your wait is over, with the award-winning Setsuna concept car by Toyota.
7 February 2017
Upcoming online Chain of Custody auditor training - sign up now!
Training announcements
With several PEFC Chain of Custody training sessions taking place in March, individual auditors are encouraged to sign up to secure their participation!