12 April 2017
PEFC International Board welcomes two new members
Peter Crook, our new brand owner and retailer representative, and Michael Rose, our new labour representative, join the PEFC International Board.
29 March 2017
2017 PEFC Collaboration Fund: two days left to apply!
Collaboration Fund
If you haven’t yet submitted your proposal to the 2017 PEFC Collaboration Fund make sure you do so soon – the deadline is just two days away on 31 March 2017.
27 March 2017
PEFC is looking for your opinion on standard setting
PEFC system news
PEFC invites all interested parties to give their comments on our revised Standard Setting standard - PEFC ST 1001:201X.
23 March 2017
Chile embraces sustainability in construction
Sustainability in Chile’s construction sector got a boost as the Chile Green Building Council signed a collaboration agreement with CertforChile.
21 March 2017
Boosting innovation with forests: it’s the International Day of Forests!
As we celebrate the International Day of Forests, Thorsten Arndt, our Head of Communications at PEFC International, is in Brussels to highlight how forests can boost innovation and the bio-economy.