What's New


28 March 2019

PEFC global accreditation body training in Seoul, Korea

Training announcements

PEFC and KoFPI organise a training session for accreditation bodies in Seoul, Korea in June - register now!

26 March 2019

Every day, the forest looks different

Forests in photos

Mariska Kwee, a runner up in our 2018 ‘Experience Forests, Experience PEFC’ photo contest, shares the story behind her photo “Caught in a minute in a dream I had”.

25 March 2019

PEFC represents smallholders within global sustainable rubber platform

Driving innovation

The Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) launches, with PEFC as one of its Founding Members.

22 March 2019

Learn to love forests, learn about Humans of the Forests!

Forests in photos

Showcasing real stories of real people dedicated to caring for our forests, this video series allows all of us discover what forests mean to them as they share their passion with us.

15 March 2019

Forests for Fashion initiative sets new trends

Forests for Fashion

From 10-15 March, an exhibit of stunning and innovative clothes made by young designers using forest-derived materials were on display at the UN Sustainable Innovation Expo.


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PEFC Annual Review

PEFC contact

Hannah Prins

Communications Manager

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