What's New


20 December 2018

Award winning members at PEFC Forest Certification Week


At PEFC Forest Certification Week in November, we rewarded our members for the highest increase in certified hectares and for growing their Chain of Custody certificates.

19 December 2018

Camp inspired by Tasmania’s first people receives first highly commended prize!

Sustainable construction

World Architecture Festival (WAF) awarded the first highly commended prize for the best use of certified timber to Krakani Lumi, a standing camp in Tasmania, inspired by the traditional constructions of Tasmania's first peoples.

17 December 2018

Best Use of Certified Timber Prize: discover the second highly commended prize!

Sustainable construction

The jury of the World Architecture Festival (WAF) awarded the second highly commended prize in the category Best Use of Certified Timber, supported by PEFC, to the Royal Academy of Music Theatre & Recital Hall in London.

14 December 2018

In a forest, there is always something new to discover

Forests in photos

The winner of our 2017 'Experience Forests, Experience PEFC’ photo contest shares how the forest inspired him to take his winning image.

12 December 2018

Gabon confirms leadership in driving sustainable tropical forest certification


Gabon wants to become a world leader in certified tropical wood. The special certification forum organized by the Ministry of Water and Forests was an important step!


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PEFC contact

Hannah Prins

Communications Manager

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