22 March 2019
Learn to love forests, learn about Humans of the Forests!
Forests in photos
Showcasing real stories of real people dedicated to caring for our forests, this video series allows all of us discover what forests mean to them as they share their passion with us.
15 March 2019
Forests for Fashion initiative sets new trends
Forests for Fashion
From 10-15 March, an exhibit of stunning and innovative clothes made by young designers using forest-derived materials were on display at the UN Sustainable Innovation Expo.
12 March 2019
PEFC Chain of Custody Auditor Training in Myanmar
Training announcements
Take part in our Chain of Custody Auditor Training in Myanmar!
1 March 2019
PEFC continues partnership with the World Architecture Festival
Sustainable construction
Was timber a key material in one of your construction projects? Did you choose wood for its many aesthetic, natural and architectural properties, or simply because it is the only renewable building material? If yes, you can enter your project for a World Architecture Festival prize!
28 February 2019
APEC recognizes PEFC's contribution to preventing illegal logging
Event report
PEFC Chile participated in the recent APEC meeting in Chile to explain how APEC members benefit from PEFC certification and the contribution we make to preventing illegal logging and the illegal trade of timber products.