What's New


12 May 2020

PEFC stakeholders join forces in implementing group certification in Thailand


PEFC and our national member for Thailand have launched a group certification project to support small-scale rubber growers in Thailand.

7 May 2020

Stakeholder engagement: Shaping the future together

20th anniversary

Our CEO Ben Gunneberg speaks about the importance of getting everyone involved in a multi-stakeholder process to determine how forests should be managed sustainably.

5 May 2020

The Bosnian PEFC initiative meets the Republic of Srpska’s government


The Bosnian PEFC initiative met representatives from the Republic of Srpska to discuss the advancement of the Bosnia and Herzegovinian initiative to become a national member of PEFC and the support to develop a national system for the country.

30 April 2020

International benchmarks adapted to regional needs – our national standards

20th anniversary

PEFC national systems are developed locally, enabling our national members to tailor them to the specific ecosystems, the legal framework and the socio-cultural context in their countries. Our national member for Malaysia walks us through the development and revision of their national standard.

28 April 2020

The forest is different in every moment, every season

Forests in photos

This month, Miroslav Mydlo, a runner up in our 2019 ‘Experience Forests, Experience PEFC’ photo contest tells us more about his photo ‘Life on the move’ and why the forest fascinates and inspires him.


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PEFC Forest Forum 2025

PEFC Forest Forum

Ho Chi Minh City Viet Nam

PEFC contact

Hannah Prins

Communications Manager

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