30 April 2020
International benchmarks adapted to regional needs – our national standards
20th anniversary
PEFC national systems are developed locally, enabling our national members to tailor them to the specific ecosystems, the legal framework and the socio-cultural context in their countries. Our national member for Malaysia walks us through the development and revision of their national standard.
28 April 2020
The forest is different in every moment, every season
Forests in photos
This month, Miroslav Mydlo, a runner up in our 2019 ‘Experience Forests, Experience PEFC’ photo contest tells us more about his photo ‘Life on the move’ and why the forest fascinates and inspires him.
23 April 2020
Revising our national standards – insights from Chile
20th anniversary
We continuously review how to best manage our forests - globally and locally. Andre Laroze from Certfor/PEFC Chile tells us more about the revision process of the Chilean Forest Management Standard.
22 April 2020
Show us your forest photos and become the 2020 PEFC Photographer of the Year!
Forests in photos
With many of us stuck inside, it is the perfect moment to escape to the forests in our imaginations! Submit you best forest photos and help all of us to dream away for a moment.
21 April 2020
Humans of the Forests – Nancy’s story
Forests in photos
Nancy Gallego, a forest fire monitor in Southern Chile, shares her story with us. Every morning, she climbs up an observation tower to look out for forest fires.