PEFC global accreditation body training in Seoul, Korea

PEFC and KoFPI organise a training session for accreditation bodies in Seoul, Korea in June - register now!

PEFC global accreditation body training in Seoul, Korea

28 March 2019 Training announcements

Accreditation bodies from around East Asia are invited to join our training session in Seoul, Korea.

Taking place on 24 and 25 June, the training will follow on from the Asia Pacific Forestry Week (APFW), 17-21 June in Incheon, Korea. There will also be an optional field trip on 22 June.

The costs depend on the number of participants, but are expected to be around 200 USD/person for the classroom training. The field trip will be free of charge.
The training will be in English. You will receive a certificate of attendance after successful completion of the course.

Please register for training through this online form. Registration deadline is 31 May 2019.

What to expect

The training is organised by PEFC and KoFPI, our national member for Korea.

The objective of the two-day classroom training is for accreditation bodies to improve their technical competence to run a PEFC Chain of Custody programme. In addition, PEFC innovations in forest management accreditation will be addressed.

The field trip will showcase the host country, including its certified forest area, with a focus on group certification. KoFPI and Korean accreditation bodies will share milestones and challenges of their work.

Why you should get training

As an accreditation body, you verify the procedures, performance and competence of certification bodies and their auditors. It is important that you are familiar with the PEFC system and the PEFC Chain of Custody standard, even if you make use of external PEFC expertise.

We find it equally important that, like the auditors, you are kept up to date on our expectations, clarifications and interpretations to the standard. That is why we offer PEFC Chain of Custody training to accreditation bodies.

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Richard Laity

Southeast Asia Manager

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