27 November 2019
Best Use of Certified Timber Prize: one week left to wait!
Sustainable construction
There’s just one week left to go before we discover the winning project of the World Architecture Festival Best Use of Certified Timber Prize 2019.
26 November 2019
We have come a long way in 20 years, but it’s time to look to the future
Event report
Ben Gunneberg, PEFC International CEO and Secretary General, delivered his reflections at the 24th PEFC General Assembly in Würzburg, Germany.
25 November 2019
Forests represent tranquility and the lungs of the earth
Forests in photos
It's time to discover November's photo of the month: "Autumn" by Christophe Correy, a runner up in our 2018 ‘Experience Forests, Experience PEFC’ photo contest.
21 November 2019
Farewell to our Vice Chair – Natalie Hufnagl-Jovy steps down from the PEFC Board
Organisation news
After having served on the PEFC International Board since 2008, and as Vice Chair since 2013, Natalie Hufnagl-Jovy bids farewell to the PEFC family.
19 November 2019
Winning photos wow participants at PEFC Week
Forests in photos
The top twelve photos from our 2019 ‘Experience Forests, Experience PEFC’ photo contest were on display throughout PEFC Week.