What's New


17 February 2020

“Best Use of Certified Timber” – PEFC and WAF continue partnership

Sustainable construction

The deadline for entry to the Best Use of Certified Timber Prize is 14 August 2020. Start your submission now!

12 February 2020

Rainforests are incredibly important for humans and our planet

Forests in photos

This February, Mohd Samsi Sumairi, a runner up in our 2019 'Experience Forests, Experience PEFC’ photo contest, tells us more about his photo ‘Germination’, taken in the Taman Eko Rimba Kanching Waterfalls Reserve in Malaysia.

4 February 2020

Olympic venue becomes Japan’s first sports facility to achieve project certification

Sustainable construction

One of the venues for the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo, the indoor tennis court of the Ariake Tennis Park Club House, is Japan’s first sports facility to achieve SGEC/PEFC project certification.

28 January 2020

PEFC Feels at Home in Malaysia

Certification on the ground

One-Tech has been strongly advocating ‘green manufacturing’, and obtained PEFC chain of custody certification in April 2018. The company offers a unique selection of sleek customised kitchenware, and won the MTCC Sustainability Award for Product Innovation and Diversification in September 2019.

28 January 2020

Double Certification FSC and PEFC – 2019 estimation


To make sure that double certified forest area does not appear twice in the statistics, PEFC and FSC decided in 2016 to provide mutually agreed estimates for the total global certified area. Estimates are published annually since that year.


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Ho Chi Minh City Viet Nam

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Hannah Prins

Communications Manager

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