What's New


12 November 2019

PEFC in 2019: from Niche to Mainstream


The PEFC family is gathering in Würzburg for PEFC Forest Certification Week. Have a look at our special PEFC Week Newsletter and learn more about the highlights of our work in 2019!

11 November 2019

20th anniversary celebrations kick start PEFC Week 2019

20th anniversary

20 years after our foundation, the PEFC family is back in Würzburg, where our story began.

11 November 2019

2019 PEFC Photographer of the Year – winner announced!

Forests in photos

Have a look at the stunning winning photo of our 'Experience Forests, Experience PEFC' photo contest - the best of thousands of photos entered into the contest.

8 November 2019

Bulgaria takes a step toward certified forests through PEFC endorsement

PEFC system news

We are happy to announce that Bulgaria has achieved PEFC endorsement of its national forest certification system!

7 November 2019

PEFC Stakeholder Dialogue set to take sustainable forest management to new levels

Driving innovation

The 2019 PEFC Stakeholder Dialogue will debate next steps towards moving forest certification from niche to mainstream, and how forestry and wood-based products through certification can become more integrated in sustainable development efforts.


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PEFC contact

Hannah Prins

Communications Manager

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