Two organizations join PEFC International as International Stakeholder members

The European Timber Trade Federation (ETTF) and the International Council of Forest and Paper Associations (ICFPA) join as PEFC International Stakeholder members.

Two organizations join PEFC International as International Stakeholder members

12 November 2013 News

“PEFC is pleased to welcome the European Timber Trade Federation (ETTF) and the International Council of Forest and Paper Associations (ICFPA) as PEFC International Stakeholder members,” said Ben Gunneberg, PEFC Secretary General, following their acceptance during the PEFC General Assembly.

“We are looking forward to enhanced opportunities for collaboration in our common effort to promote responsible forestry.”

“The ETTF has long been a supporter of both sustainable forest management and forest certification,” said André de Boer, ETTF Secretary General. “By becoming a PEFC International Stakeholder member, we hope that our expertise and experience will benefit both PEFC and the broader PEFC community.”

The ETTF promotes the interests of the timber trade across Europe, representing key national federations for importers, merchants and distributors. The ETTF liaises with and advocates to government and governmental bodies at national and international level, engages with environmental and social NGOs and provides a discussion and networking forum for the EU timber trade on key issues, from legislation and the environment, to sustainable timber promotion and best practice.

The International Council of Forest and Paper Association (ICFPA) is another association that will further strengthen PEFC’s capacity in collaboration and dialogue. “As a leader promoting dialogue around issues of interest to the international forest and paper community, including forest sustainability, standards and management, the ICFPA aims to actively contribute to the further development and strengthening of the relationship between the global forest products industry and PEFC,” said Donna Harman, ICFPA President and President and CEO of the American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA).

The ICFPA is an organization of national and regional forest and paper industry associations, which serves as a forum for global dialogue, coordination and cooperation among forest and paper associations, represents the global forest and paper industry in international organizations and develops common positions on issues of mutual interest such as sustainable forest management, illegal logging and climate change.

These two new members are joining the Weyerhaeuser Company as new PEFC International Stakeholder members in 2013. Weyerhaeuser became part of the PEFC family earlier this year and has a long tradition in forest management. Since it began operations in 1900,

Weyerhaeuser Company has been involved in the growing and harvesting of timber as well as the manufacture, distribution and sale of forest products. The company owns or manages approximately 8.3 million hectares of forestland in the US and Canada, all of which are managed on a sustainable basis in compliance with PEFC-endorsed Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) forest management standard. Weyerhaeuser also manages a further 128,115 hectares of timberland in Uruguay, all PEFC certified.

PEFC now counts 21 International Stakeholder members, as well as 37 national members.

Benefits & Opportunities of PEFC Membership

  • Participate in PEFC's annual General Assembly as a member of PEFC Council with full-voting rights
  • Join PEFC Working Groups and Committees on relevant topics such as Standards Revision, Marketing, and Regional Promotions
  • Nominate representatives for consideration to the PEFC Board of Directors
  • Collaborate on specific projects of mutual interest
  • Stay informed and abreast of PEFC developments throughout the year
  • Communicate your PEFC engagement and involvement
  • Support PEFC's promotion of sustainable forest management and responsible procurement


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