PEFC Revision Process - thanks for the nominations!

We are now evaluating all available nominations and will come back to the nominees in the next three weeks with further information.

PEFC Revision Process - thanks for the nominations!

24 February 2016 PEFC system news

We have had a fantastic response to the call for nominations for our Standards Revision Working Groups. Regarding both the competence and background of the nominees, as well as the number we received, the nominations are impressive.

We would like to thank all the nominees for their interest in PEFC’s work and their willingness to contribute to the further improvement of our standards.

We are now evaluating all available nominations. We will come back to the nominees in the next three weeks with further information about the acceptance or rejection of the nomination. In case of acceptance, the nominees will receive more detailed information about the further process.

Get involved!

Being part of a Working Group is just one way for stakeholders to get involved in our standards revision process. Please take a look at the range of options below to see how you can take part and help us make the best even better!

Expert Forum

The deliberations of the Working Groups will be informed by two online Expert Forums for Sustainable Forest Management and for Chain of Custody. People with expertise in these two areas can apply for membership. PEFC will provide recent working results from the WGs to the forum for further discussion. It is expected that members actively participate in online discussions.

Stakeholder Conference

In spring 2017, we will organize 2-3 Stakeholder Conferences in different geographic regions. These conferences will enable all interested people to discuss the revision work face-to-face and provide input.

Public Consultation

Global Public Consultations will allow stakeholders anywhere in the world to provide input into the Enquiry Drafts of the standard, for a minimum period of 60 days. The comments will be considered by the WG as input for the development of the Final Draft Version. Each stakeholder participating in the consultation will get an answer to their comment.

Revision Newsletter

We have created a new Standards Revision Newsletter with specific information about the revision process. You can register for the newsletter on our website.


Discover how we're working to align with the EUDR and bring our PEFC EUDR solution to the market.

Conflict Timber

See PEFC's guidance following the announcement that all timber originating from Russia and Belarus is ‘conflict timber’.

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PEFC contact

Marta Martínez Pardo

Certification Programme Senior Manager

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