What's New


4 May 2023

How will companies be able to benefit from PEFC under the EU Deforestation Regulation?

EU Deforestation Regulation

Hear how companies can take advantage of PEFC certification to demonstrate compliance with the new Regulation.

4 May 2023

The new EU Deforestation Regulation must have a positive impact on smallholders

EU Deforestation Regulation

In our third micro topic, discover how the new Regulation needs to have a positive impact on smallholders, besides its impact on biodiversity and climate.

12 April 2023

PEFC Webinar: Introduction to the new EU Deforestation Regulation

EU Deforestation Regulation

Join us on Thursday 20 April for a special PEFC webinar introducing the new EU Deforestation Regulation and our related work. Discover how PEFC is aligned with the regulation and how companies can benefit from PEFC certification to demonstrate their compliance.


Discover how we're working to align with the EUDR and bring our PEFC EUDR solution to the market.

Conflict Timber

See PEFC's guidance following the announcement that all timber originating from Russia and Belarus is ‘conflict timber’.

PEFC Annual Review

PEFC contact

Hannah Prins

Communications Manager

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