What's New


23 November 2023

PEFC - your partner for the EUDR

EU Deforestation Regulation

Our standards are already well positioned to meet many key elements of the EUDR, and we are working intensively to align them more closely with EUDR requirements. PEFC stakeholders will soon be able to benefit from our practical solutions to enable them to successfully implement EUDR.

22 November 2023

Chair of PEFC Canada passes away

Organisation news

It is with deep regret and sadness that we learned of the tragic death of our friend and colleague, John Dunford.

17 November 2023

Call for nominations: Task Force on data aspects of the EUDR

EU Deforestation Regulation

Thank you for your nominations. The call for nominations is closed.

16 November 2023

PEFC Board elections 2023

Organisation news

One new member elected to the PEFC International Board. Suzette Weeding re-elected as Vice Chair and Lena Ek re-elected as Board member.

15 November 2023

PEFC General Assembly welcomes three new members

Organisation news

The 29th PEFC General Assembly welcomed three new members into the PEFC Alliance. Precious Woods and HS Timber Group joined as international stakeholder members, CUPFOA is the new PEFC national governing body for Croatia.


Discover how PEFC can help you with your EUDR compliance.

PEFC Annual Review

Upcoming events

PEFC Forest Forum 2025

PEFC Forest Forum

Ho Chi Minh City Viet Nam

PEFC contact

Hannah Prins

Communications Manager

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