16 September 2015
Innovation must benefit humankind, PEFC emphasises at World Forestry Congress
At its core, sustainable forest management is about sustainable livelihoods. Innovation must demonstrate that it contributes to all three pillars of sustainability and stands the test of time.
10 September 2015
Expo 2015: French Pavilion dresses in PEFC-certified wood!
Sustainable construction
France chooses to construct the French Pavilion from wood originating in PEFC-certified French forests.
8 September 2015
PEFC to illustrate sustainable sourcing benefits at Packaging Innovations
Promoting the benefits of responsibly-sourced packaging materials is set to be the focus of PEFC’s exhibition at the 2015 Packaging Innovations show.
3 September 2015
Endorsement for Russian national forest certification scheme expired
PEFC system news
With the expiration of the Russian National Forest Certification Scheme on 31 August 2015, PEFC International advises that all certificates issued against the Russian Scheme are no longer recognized by PEFC.
2 September 2015
Join PEFC at the World Forestry Congress 2015!
Come and join us at our side events, at the WFC2015 International Exhibition or during the sub-theme dialogues.