28 July 2016
Corruption and illegal logging: the “twins” of environmental criminality
Presenting its findings in Rome, the TREES project has successfully shed light on the role that bribes play in encouraging the illegal timber trade in Europe.
26 July 2016
The PEFC label part of ALDI SOUTH’s awareness campaign
ALDI SOUTH presented its customers in Germany with seven important sustainability seals from the ALDI SOUTH product range.
21 July 2016
Task Forces get to work on the key sustainable forest management issues
PEFC system news
Trees outside forests, forest conversions, and non-wood forest products and ecosystem services: three of the key areas identified for extra attention as we revise our international standard for sustainable forest management.
19 July 2016
From the innovative to the fashionable: the 2016 Collaboration Fund projects
Collaboration Fund
We are delighted to announce that the 2016 Collaboration Fund will support projects in Italy, the Philippines, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Thailand and the US.
18 July 2016
India making strides on the system development challenge!
Developing a national forest certification system for India is a big job. The country is vast, the forests are diverse, and with a population of over 1.2 billion, there are a lot of stakeholders to involve!