9 June 2016
Republic of Korea becomes the latest PEFC member
“We are very happy and proud to officially become part of the PEFC family,” said Hyemi Lee, from the Korea Forestry Promotion Institute (KoFPI), following the acceptance of Republic of Korea as a PEFC National member.
8 June 2016
Help us to improve our Chain of Custody Standard!
PEFC system news
Give your input and comments on our current PEFC Chain of Custody Standard (PEFC ST 2002:2013).
7 June 2016
SGEC endorsement by PEFC - a beacon of light
We are delighted to announce Japan as the latest country to achieve PEFC endorsement of its national forest certification system.
6 June 2016
Ghana joins PEFC as a National member
PEFC system news
We are delighted to welcome Ghana as our latest PEFC National member, becoming our third member in Africa, alongside Cameroon and Gabon.
3 June 2016
PEFC at Asian Paper Bangkok
Thailand announces their application to PEFC for membership and we highlight the opportunities of certification in Asia and beyond – Asian Paper Bangkok 2016 was a busy few days!