13 November 2017
2017 PEFC Photographer of the Year – Winner Announced!!
Forests in photos
With his stunning photo Morning Star taken in Bellecombe forest in France, we chose Gareth Goldthorpe as our 2017 PEFC Photographer of the Year.
12 November 2017
The making of... PEFC Forest Certification Week
PEFC Forest Certification Week is the largest annual gathering of forest certification stakeholders, with more than 250 people meeting in Helsinki, Finland this week.
10 November 2017
Labels promote sustainable forest management, consumers agree
So what you can do to help? Next time you’re shopping, whether it’s for new furniture, tools for the garden, paper, or just the weekly food shop, make sure you look for the PEFC label!
8 November 2017
Countdown to the 2017 PEFC Stakeholder Dialogue: Making Certification SMART
Driving innovation
The PEFC Stakeholder Dialogue is just one week a way – make sure you’re ready! Innovation and technology is all around us, but how often do we stop and consider how we could better use it to support forest certification?
1 November 2017
Give your feedback on the Korean forest certification system
PEFC system news
PEFC invites stakeholders around the world to comment on the Korean national forest certification system, following its submission to PEFC for endorsement.