What's New


21 December 2017

PEFC helps cities get their Christmas festivities started!


Christmas is round the corner. Time for us to head into town, to a Christmas market or to see the festive lights. But what city square would be complete without a Christmas tree?

20 December 2017

Give your feedback on PEFC Group Certification! Public consultation open

PEFC system news

Share your insights and knowledge to help us further improve this important standard.

18 December 2017

PEFC publishes its first two revised technical documents!

PEFC system news

We have recently finished the revision of two technical documents and presented a new approach to the endorsement of national systems.

14 December 2017

Belarus achieves PEFC re-endorsement

PEFC system news

The national forest certification system of Belarus has successfully achieved PEFC re-endorsement, confirming it continues to meet our globally recognized Sustainability Benchmarks.

12 December 2017

Where next for PEFC? Potential members have their say


The 22nd PEFC General Assembly closed with voices from the future, as countries actively developing national forest certification systems took to the floor.


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PEFC contact

Hannah Prins

Communications Manager

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