What's New


17 April 2018

PEFC Collaboration Fund: Calling on innovators in the forest sector!

Collaboration Fund

This year, our Collaboration Fund is all about pioneering the application of technology and innovation within forest certification. The Fund's Call for Proposals is open until 11 May.

10 April 2018

Upcoming Chain of Custody auditor training – register now!

Training announcements

With several PEFC Chain of Custody training sessions taking place in May, individual auditors are encouraged to sign up to secure their participation!

4 April 2018

The forest is nature’s cathedral…

Forests in photos

This April we learn more about the photo 'Wondering Babies of Boreal Owls', taken by Miroslav Saniga, a runner up in our 2017 ‘Experience Forests, Experience PEFC’ photo contest.

29 March 2018

Greenpeace claims incorrect and outdated, PEFC confirms


The claims made by Greenpeace are invalid, incorrect and based on an outdated and discredited report from 2011.

29 March 2018

Affordable and sustainable: prefabricated home wins green award!

Sustainable construction

Architects working with timber are being rewarded – getting deserved recognition for choosing to design with a material that helps keep our planet healthy now and in the future.


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PEFC Annual Review

PEFC contact

Hannah Prins

Communications Manager

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