6 July 2018
Sustainable Forest Management public consultation over
PEFC system news
Stakeholders from around the world have had their say, giving vital feedback on our revised sustainable forest management benchmark.
5 July 2018
Sustainable forest management in Myanmar one-step closer
Last month, the MFCC held its first annual multi-stakeholder coordination meeting, attended by a wide range of national and international stakeholders.
2 July 2018
CertforChile’s photo contest reveals how we are all part of the forest
Forests in photos
Discover the winning images of CertforChile's photo contest “Vive y sé parte del bosque junto a PEFC”!
28 June 2018
A forest is a place of peace
Forests in photos
Robert Sommer, a runner up in our 2017 ‘Experience Forests, Experience PEFC’ photo contest tells us more about his stunning picture 'Sunrise in Summer'.
28 June 2018
PEFC, Bamboo and Rattan: Towards Meeting the SDGs and the Bonn Challenge together
Driving innovation
The meeting brought together stakeholders from around the world to discuss how bamboo and rattan can contribute to South-South cooperation, climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals.