New Board members elected at PEFC’s 19th General Assembly

Ms. Sheam Satkuru-Granzella has been re-elected as Vice Chair to the PEFC Board of Directors at the PEFC General Assembly in Paris, France.

New Board members elected at PEFC’s 19th General Assembly

19 November 2014 News

Ms. Sheam Satkuru-Granzella has been re-elected as Vice Chair to the PEFC Board of Directors at the PEFC General Assembly in Paris, France. After serving on the Board as a Board Member since 2009, before first becoming Vice-Chair in 2011, Ms. Satkuru-Granzella will act as Vice Chair for a three year period.

Ms. Satkuru-Granzella has represented the Malaysian/tropical forestry and timber industry in Europe for the last 19 years, and as the Europe Director for the Malaysian Timber Council (MTC) she covers markets in Europe, Turkey and Russia. Trained as a barrister specializing in International Trade, Sheam has since built an excellent international network to facilitate Public Affairs and the Marketing of timber products.

After first joining the PEFC Board in 2009, Sheam has been instrumental in forwarding the interests of the Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) and PEFC International in Europe and Asia.

The General Assembly also elected Ms. Riikka Joukio and Mr. Hervé Le Bouler, and re-elected Mr. Peter Latham and Mr. Joe Lawson, as members of its Board of Directors for a three year term from 2014 to 2017.

The election the Board members was based on the recommendations from the PEFC Council Nominations Committee. The Nominations Committee, comprising of Mr. Clifford Schneider, Mr. Kit Prins and Dr. Bin Che Yeom Freezailah, carefully considered the current composition of the board and the challenges facing the PEFC Council before proposing the candidates to the General Assembly.

PEFC would also like to use this opportunity to express its gratitude to Mr. Sébastien Genest, who has decided to step down from the PEFC Board after over 10 years of service.

The current Board of Directors:

  • William Street, Chairman
  • Sheam Satkuru, Vice Chairman
  • Natalie Hufnagl-Jovy, Vice Chairman
  • Pedro Albizu
  • Olivier Bertrand
  • Genevieve Chua
  • Hans Drielsma
  • Juan Carols Jintiach
  • Riikka Joukio
  • Peter Latham
  • Joseph Lawson
  • Hervé Le Bouler
  • Michael Proschek-Hauptmann
  • Julian Walker-Palin

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