Humans of the Forests – José Daniel’s story

José Daniel has been working in the forest for 40 years, never losing his love for it. In the second instalment of our video series, he tells us what the forest means to him.

Humans of the Forests – José Daniel’s story

14 April 2020 Forests in photos

In our video series Humans of the Forests (HoF), we hear the fascinating stories of people around the globe who are in touch with forests and timber in their daily lives. The second instalment takes us to Chile, where we meet three Humans of the Forests, who allow us a glimpse into their everyday life and tell us what the forest means to them.

One of them is José Daniel Cáceres. He has been working in the forest for 40 years, but has never lost his love for it.

Video 3:32

Humans of the Forests - José Daniel's story

José Daniel has been working in the forest for 40 years, never losing his love for it. In the second instalment of our video series, he tells us what the forest means to him.

“Back then, we used oxen and horses for logging. Working in the forest was dangerous,” he remembers, thinking back to his first years in the job. 

“It was 15 years ago when everything started to become more modern. Today, we have safety equipment, better camps and better transportation.”

Freedom and a livelihood

“I like the forest because it’s so peaceful. When I’m in the forest, I listen to the wind and the birds, and I feel free,” he explains.

The forest has given him a lot: experience, knowledge and a steady job.

“The forest has given me my salary to support my family, to educate my children,” he says. “Thanks to the forest I have my house, my home. I’m very happy with the forest.”

By harvesting trees for a living in a sustainable way, José Daniel works toward the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.

PEFC and labour rights

The rights of forest workers like José Daniel are at the heart of PEFC.

PEFC certification does not only ensure that forest-based material comes from a sustainable source, but also protects the rights of workers along the entire production process.

All our national standards include the commitment to equal treatment of workers and must be compliant with all fundamental conventions for worker rights of the International Labour Organization (ILO).

Meet the Humans of the Forests!

Chile was our second destination, after the first instalment had taken us to Italy, where we learnt about the daily work of a forester and how a PEFC-certified forest gave new life to a village destroyed by an earthquake.

To hear the full stories, head to YouTube and meet the Humans of the Forests!


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PEFC contact

Thorsten Arndt

Head of Advocacy

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PEFC Chile

National member


SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth

Sustainable Development Goal

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