Experience Forests, Experience PEFC

How do forests make a difference to your life? How do you experience the many benefits that forests provide? This was the call earlier in the year to photographers around the world. And they answered, in their thousands!

Experience Forests, Experience PEFC

19 September 2017 Forests in photos

For the first time ever, our members came together to run a global photo contest. Taking place in 23 countries, these national contests all ran at the same time: from Earth Day (22 April) to World Environment Day (5 June).

In total, we received more than 11,000 photographs: stunning landscapes, people living, working and enjoying forests, and a huge variety of wildlife.

2017 PEFC Photographer of the Year

As well as winning a fantastic national prize (like a weekend for two in a certified forest!), the best photos from all the national contests entered the international contest.

We will announce the winner of the international contest, the 2017 PEFC Photographer of the Year, during PEFC Forest Certification Week, 13 – 17 November 2017, in Helsinki, Finland.

Alongside the winning photo, the best 11 photos will be exhibited at PEFC Week and will be featured in the 2018 PEFC ‘Experience Forests, Experience PEFC’ photo calendar.

PEFC Forest Certification Week

PEFC Forest Certification Week includes the PEFC General Assembly, meetings and workshops for our members and invited guests, and comes to a close with the two day PEFC Stakeholder Dialogue, open to everybody.

This year our PEFC Stakeholder Dialogue will explore and discover the benefits and potential for incorporating technology solutions into forest certification.

Participate! Register online before 31 October
Innovate! Pitch your innovative solution at the event – apply before 15 October
Partner! Engage and contribute to shaping the event by becoming a sponsor


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Hannah Prins

Communications Manager

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