Technical documentation

Technical documentation

Responsible Wood assessment report

Assessment Report

Assessment report for the Responsible Wood Certification Scheme, covering Australia and New Zealand, by Form international.

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Assessment report for the Responsible Wood Certification Scheme, covering Australia and New Zealand, by Form international.

PAFC Congo Basin assessment report

Assessment Report

Assessment report for the PAFC Congo Basin regional forest certification system, covering Gabon, Cameroon, and Republic of Congo, by Form international.

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Assessment report for the PAFC Congo Basin regional forest certification system, covering Gabon, Cameroon, and Republic of Congo, by Form international.

ATFS assessment report

Assessment Report

Assessment report for the national forest certification system of the American Tree Farm System (ATFS), United States/USA), by Indufor.

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Assessment report for the national forest certification system of the American Tree Farm System (ATFS), United States/USA), by Indufor.

Chinese assessment report

Assessment Report

Assessment report for the national forest certification system of China (CFCC), by Indufor Oy.

 Download (1.65 MB)

Assessment report for the national forest certification system of China (CFCC), by Indufor Oy.

German assessment report

Assessment Report

Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Germany, by Form international.

 Download (2.10 MB)

Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Germany, by Form international.

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