Technical documentation

Technical documentation

Argentine assessment report

Assessment Report

Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Argentina, by Khalil Manaf Hegarty.

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Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Argentina, by Khalil Manaf Hegarty.

Estonian assessment report

Assessment Report

Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Estonia, by Form international.

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Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Estonia, by Form international.

Polish assessment report

Assessment Report

Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Poland, by Form international.

 Download (3.77 MB)

Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Poland, by Form international.

Members of the Chain of Custody Working Group

Standards development

Members of the Chain of Custody Working Group. A permanent working group responsible for the development of the PEFC chain of custody, including the maintenance of the three chain of custody standards.

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Members of the Chain of Custody Working Group. A permanent working group responsible for the development of the PEFC chain of custody, including the maintenance of the three chain of custody standards.

Finnish assessment report

Assessment Report

Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Finland, by CK Services.

 Download (2.33 MB)

Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Finland, by CK Services.

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