Développer un système national de certification forestière: votre Boîte à Outils
About PEFC
La Boîte à Outils fournit un guide pratique pour le développement d’un système national de certification forestière aligné avec les normes internationales de gestion durable de PEFC. Pour répondre aux besoins des organisations et faciliter la compréhension du processus de développement du système, la Boîte à Outils est agrémentée nombreux conseils, tableaux et graphiques explicatifs.
La Boîte à Outils fournit un guide pratique pour le développement d’un système national de certification forestière aligné avec les normes internationales de gestion durable de PEFC. Pour répondre aux besoins des organisations et faciliter la compréhension du processus de développement du système, la Boîte à Outils est agrémentée nombreux conseils, tableaux et graphiques explicatifs.
PEFC Global Statistics, December 2023
About PEFC
As of December 2023, around 295 million hectares of forest area was PEFC certified, and more than 12,000 PEFC chain of custody certificates had been issued.
As of December 2023, around 295 million hectares of forest area was PEFC certified, and more than 12,000 PEFC chain of custody certificates had been issued.
PEFC Global Statistics, September 2023
About PEFC
As of September 2023, around 286 million hectares of forest area was PEFC certified, and more than 12,000 PEFC chain of custody certificates had been issued.
As of September 2023, around 286 million hectares of forest area was PEFC certified, and more than 12,000 PEFC chain of custody certificates had been issued.
PEFC Global Statistics, June 2023
About PEFC
As of June 2023, around 291 million hectares of forest area was PEFC certified, and more than 12,000 PEFC chain of custody certificates had been issued.
As of June 2023, around 291 million hectares of forest area was PEFC certified, and more than 12,000 PEFC chain of custody certificates had been issued.
PEFC Global Statistics, March 2023
About PEFC
As of March 2023, around 292 million hectares of forest area was PEFC certified, and more than 12,000 PEFC chain of custody certificates had been issued.
As of March 2023, around 292 million hectares of forest area was PEFC certified, and more than 12,000 PEFC chain of custody certificates had been issued.