Case stories

Case stories

5 September 2018

Artte Telai: PEFC-certified table tennis rackets made in Italy


The Italian artisan workshop Artigian Mobili created world's first PEFC-certified table tennis frame, made of resonating wood.

2 February 2018

Fundació Privada ILERSIS: a company to improve the world


Fundació Privada ILERSIS was founded in 1975 and is a non-profit social entity declared as being of public interest. For them, PEFC certification is a way to assure that their products come from sustainably managed forests.

24 January 2018

Impriarte: a small business with big environmental goals


Dedicated to the printing of packaging and adhesive labels, and the development and manufacture of point of sale (POS) materials, Impriarte offers a wide range of PEFC-certified products.

5 October 2016

Sananitos, sustainable packaging. Plus fun!


Drasanvi uses the PEFC label on the packaging of many of their products. The company highlights the importance of preserving the environment in every step of the production chain.

23 July 2012

DELAFORESTA: It’s about the ham!


Spanish dehesas, old forests dominated by holm oaks and cork trees, are home to the world’s first certified ham.

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