Photo contest winners depict movement and relaxation in Finland’s forests

Have a look at the winning photos of Finland's photo contest!

Photo contest winners depict movement and relaxation in Finland’s forests

16 August 2018 Forests in photos

Spellbound by the National Park 

Recreation and leisure time were the focus of PEFC Finland’s photo contest ‘Vastuullisesti metsästä’ (Responsibly from the forests).

The winning images, chosen out of 1200 photos that entered into the contest, highlight the recreational opportunities that forests provide. 

The winning images

First prize went to Laura Leppälä for her photo ‘Kansallispuiston lumoissa’ (Spellbound by the National Park).

Taken in the Hossa National Park in Suomussalmi, Finland, the image captures the park’s picturesque natural scenery.

Balance of nature

“The picture combines the most essential elements of a refreshing nature walk with a deep green coniferous forest, freshly burbling water in the creek and clean air,” says Ms. Leppälä.

Ella Nurmi came in second with her photo ‘Tasapainoa luonnosta’ (Balance of nature), taken in Leivonmäki National Park in Finland.

“A forest provides a free adventure park, playground and gym, as well as a place for relaxation and exploration,” she explains.

Kristiina Mikkilä was awarded third prize for her image ‘Unplug from the hectic world’, taken on the peninsula Porkkalanniemi in southern Finland.

Unplug from the hectic world

“Forests offer a wonderful breakout from a busy everyday life. Sleeping under the stars is one of the best experiences in life.”

If you want to see more of the images entered into Finland’s national photo contest, you can find them on Instagram under the hashtag #luontogram.

The Prizes 

For first place, Ms. Leppälä receives a 300€ voucher for hiking equipment from Scandinavian Outdoor. Ms. Nurmi and Ms. Mikkilä receive a 150€ voucher respectively.

Experience Forests, Experience PEFC

PEFC Finland’s contest was one of 16 national photo contests run by PEFC members.

The winning images will compete against the winners from the other national contests for the 2018 PEFC Photographer of the Year Award. The winners of the award will be announced in November 2018 and will receive a trip to Geneva, Switzerland to attend the 2018 PEFC Forest Certification Week or a cash prize of 3000 CHF.

Photo credit: Laura Leppälä, Ella Nurmi; Kristiina Mikkilä


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