PEFC supports six new projects advancing responsible forestry

The six projects selected this year will receive a total of more than CHF 127.000 over the course of the next 12-18 month.

PEFC supports six new projects advancing responsible forestry

21 August 2012 Collaboration Fund

As part its assistance to projects and activities intended to promote sustainable forest management, mainstream forest certification, improve market conditions for certified products, and advance knowledge and collaboration, PEFC is has selected six projects to benefit from its Collaboration Fund this year.

The PEFC Collaboration Fund seeks to support efforts to advance sustainable forest management and forest certification around the world by members and partner organizations. Through the competitive small grants programme, PEFC encourages locally relevant advancements in the sustainable management of forests.

The six projects selected this year will receive a total of more than CHF 127.000 over the course of the next 12-18 month. In total, PEFC awarded close to a quarter of a million Swiss Francs to eleven projects through the Collaboration Fund in 2011 and 2012. This year's grantees include CESEFOR-Mediterranean Model Forest Network (Spain), the Estonian Forest Certification Council (Estonia), the Forest Certification Center (Russia), NymE Erfaret (Hungary) and PEFC Italy (Italy and the Balkans, two projects) and a total of about 20 project partners.

"We are thrilled to start working with these organisations and develop new partnerships with them to bring forward sustainable forest management and forest certification in new areas," said Sarah Price, Head of Projects and Development at PEFC International. "Our experiences from last years have demonstrated that the PEFC Collaboration Fund has the potential to make a real difference on the ground, and we hope that the 2012 projects will be equally successful."

The call for entries for the 2013 PEFC Collaboration Fund is expected to be issued in late 2012 (subject to funding availability).

Projects supported in 2012 include:

Sustainable Forest Management & PEFC Certification in Bosnia and Herzegovina Private Forests

Project objectives

  • Expand forest certification in the Balkans;
  • Raise awareness of the need for certification among private forest owners;
  • Secure the participation and involvement of interested stakeholders in the national standard setting process and creation of a National Governing Body;
  • Support preparations for the development of  national PEFC systems.

Implementing organization
PEFC Italy was established to encourage and improve the sustainable development of forests through the promotion of the PEFC certification system and according to established standards. It joined PEFC in 2001.

Fostering Partnerships to Promote PEFC Certification in Hungary

Project objectives

  • Develop a national PEFC system and promote PEFC Chain of Custody certification;
  • Build capacity among private forest owners and managers and the forest industry;
  • Develop a national PEFC certification system in Hungary;
  • Promote PEFC certification.

Implementing organization
ERFARET Non-profit Ltd. (ERFARET) is a research and development organization founded by the University of West-Hungary. Its primary mission is to foster cooperation between the University and its partners.

Building Capacity for the Development of PEFC Certification in Russia and the Russian Far East

Project objectives

  • Build capacity for the development of PEFC certification in Russia and the Russian Far East;
  • Provide training to forest owners and forest certification auditors;
  • Promote uptake of PEFC Chain of Custody certification in the market place.

Implementing organization
The Forest Certification Center (FCC), a not-for-profit partnership of leading organizations, and acknowledged experts and scientists working on issues related to the conservation of forest biodiversity and the sustainable use of forest resources.

Estonia Market Outreach

Project objectives

  • Raise awareness of PEFC in Estonia;
  • Increase the certified forest area, especially of privately owned forests;
  • Promote PEFC certification and label use among companies.

Implementing organization
The Estonian Forest Certification Council (EFCC) was set up as a non-profit organization on 29 October 2001 on the initiative of private forest owners and with the participation of other interest groups and stakeholders. The overall objective of the Estonian Forest Certification Scheme is to support the implementation of sustainable forestry in Estonia. EFCC currently has 12 institutional non-governmental members.

Forest Traceability: Marketing Mushrooms in the Spanish Urbion Model Forest

Project objectives

  • Investigate marketing synergies between certification and traceability;
  • Develop a web-based platform;
  • Pilot traceability of PEFC-certified mushrooms.

Implementing organization
CeseFOR is the Castilla y León regional wood and forestry industry centre; it works along the entire forest sector value chain at regional, national and international levels. The organization also acts as the main technical advisor to the Environment Department of the regional government of Castilla y León.

E-Learning 4 PEFC

Project objectives

  • Develop an e-learning platform to address current and future capacity building needs of PEFC members and stakeholders;
  • Increase the availability of information about PEFC concepts, tools and objectives at national and international level;
  • Prepare pilot courses on a variety of topics.

Implementing organization
PEFC Italy was established to encourage and improve the sustainable development of forests through the promotion of the PEFC certification system and according to established standards. It joined PEFC in 2001.


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Rémi Sournia

Head of Member Services

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