PEFC joins fashion industry organisations to consolidate guidance for leaders

PEFC is honoured to be invited by the Global Fashion Agenda to be one of the principal industry experts to consult and provide input into the new GFA Monitor report.

PEFC joins fashion industry organisations to consolidate guidance for leaders

6 June 2022 Forests for Fashion

On 6 June, the eve of the Global Fashion Summit, the Global Fashion Agenda (GFA) released the GFA Monitor - a new report to guide fashion leaders towards a net positive fashion industry.

The non-profit organisation fosters collaboration on sustainability in fashion to accelerate impact. It consulted over 30 partners and organisations to form a cohesive resource that presents expert insights on the status of the industry, available solutions, clear actions to take, and proven best practices.

Download the report.

PEFC is honoured to be among the stakeholders invited by GFA as principal industry experts to consult and provide input into this first edition of the GFA Monitor report.

GFA and PEFC co-host a brunch to welcome Impact Partners and Stakeholders of the GFA Monitor, celebrate the launch of the report and discuss our next steps.

In a bid to accelerate progress, the GFA Monitor presents guidance according to the five sustainability priorities: Respectful and Secure Work Environments, Better Wage Systems, Circular Systems, Resource Stewardship, and Smart Materials Choices. Through action on these priorities, GFA believes that the industry will progress towards achieving a living wage and fair compensation for all, a significant reduction of conventional virgin resources, and decreased emissions, leading to a net positive fashion industry.

PEFC has been providing sustainable forest management expertise and guidance to GFA in the field of Smart Material Choices, in particular guidance on the sourcing of man-made cellulosic fibres (MMCF) that are derived from forests. 

Under the Smart Materials Choices priority, we welcome the concrete actions proposed to the industry in regards to eliminating endangered forest pulp from MMCF production. To align MMFC production with the 1.5-degree pathway, the industry must adopt a holistic approach to protect biodiversity, prevent deforestation, accelerate regeneration, improve natural carbon sequestration, curb the use of hazardous chemicals, and support the socioeconomic development of forest communities.

Actions should include:

  • Work towards sourcing 100% of MMCF from sustainably managed forests supported by policies for sourcing from certified forests (PEFC, SFI, FSC) that require responsible MMCF sourcing and prohibit sourcing viscose pulp from ancient and endangered forests
  • Source all wood-derived MMCFs from recycled MMCF or certified sustainably managed forests
  • Collectively encourage the exploration of conservation, reforestation, afforestation schemes and programmes

To promote soil health, biodiversity, and other benefits of regenerative agriculture, examples how to take action include:

  • Work towards sourcing 100% of MMCF from sustainably managed forests supported by policies for sourcing from certified forests (PEFC, SFI, FSC). Complement efforts by engaging in afforestation and reforestation with native plant species, and conservation schemes in partnership with local communities.

Federica Marchionni, CEO, Global Fashion Agenda, says: “Through this report, we aim to create an aligned resource for the industry. We have created alliances with multiple expert organisations with different specialties to combine existing knowledge and reduce complexity. The solutions and tools that the fashion industry needs to improve already exist. It’s time to use them ambitiously. I hope this report can be a companion for the industry on its journey to reach a net positive industry by 2050.”

The pathway and the goals are clear, now is the new area of concrete actions and PEFC is calling for the fashion industry leaders to join this rally and adopt the actions proposed by the GFA Monitor. We are committed to support partners and stakeholders in the scope of our expertise – sustainable forest management and verification of MMCF sourcing.

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