25 November 2020
Working towards boosting certification of tropical forests in Africa
Driving innovation
Peter Latham, Chairman of the PEFC International Board, writes in a Guest Column for the TTJ Tropical Timber Edition.
23 November 2020
PEFC Webinar: Building a better future with certified timber
Sustainable construction
Discover how timber construction supports climate mitigation and other global sustainability targets, and the important role that PEFC certification plays.
18 November 2020
Farewell to our Vice Chair – Genevieve Chua leaves the PEFC Board after ten years
Organisation news
After ten years in the PEFC International Board of Directors and two years as Vice Chair, Genevieve bid farewell to the PEFC family.
17 November 2020
Asian members top growth in PEFC certified hectares
At our annual Awards Ceremony, the prizes for highest growth in certified hectares all went to Asia!
16 November 2020
PEFC in 2020: Virtually unmissable
Have a look at our PEFC Week Newsletter and discover some of the key projects and achievements of the PEFC alliance in 2020!