5 May 2021
PEFC Annual Review – The highlights of PEFC’s work in 2020
Organisation news
Our 2020 Annual Review gives an insight into the work of the PEFC alliance in 2020, highlighting some of the key achievements of PEFC and our partners – have a look!
4 May 2021
Every moment in the forest gives me calm and strength
Forests in photos
This month, our photo in the spotlight is ‘Autumn Mist’, taken by Guillermo Feuerhake in Chile. Let's hear from Guillermo what he loves about the forest and what makes his photo so special.
3 May 2021
Thatchers chooses PEFC for sustainable cardboard packaging
Certification on the ground
Cider maker Thatchers has replaced the plastic packaging around its cider can packs with PEFC-certified cardboard, saving tonnes of plastic.
26 April 2021
Dutch forest certification system submitted for endorsement
PEFC system news
The Dutch national forest certification system has been submitted to PEFC for endorsement. Find out more in our upcoming webinar.
22 April 2021
Get your cameras ready – the PEFC Photo Contest starts today!
Forests in photos
For the fifth time, we are inviting professional and amateur photographers to submit their best forest photos, for the chance to become the 2021 PEFC Photographer of the Year. Enter your photo now!