31 October 2014
Purchasing newsprint from sustainable sources highlighted at WAN-IFRA Conference
The environmental benefits of purchasing newsprint that originates from sustainably managed forests was the focus of PEFC’s Singapore-based consultant Michael Buckley’s presentation.
29 October 2014
Food, Fuel, Fiber and Forests: Gary Dunning set for his knowledge blast at PEFC’s Stakeholder Dialogue
Sustainable landscapes and how they relate to supply chains for food, feed, fiber and fuel is the focus of one of the ‘knowledge blasts’ at the upcoming PEFC Stakeholder Dialogue.
28 October 2014
PEFC at the World SB14 Barcelona Conference
The advantages, challenges and opportunities of incorporating sustainable tropical timber in construction are the focus of today’s Global Vision session at the World Sustainable Building 2014 Conference.
27 October 2014
Food from the forest at the heart of new recipe book
Produce grown in sustainably managed PEFC-certified forests is the focus of the brand new recipe book “Cuisine from the Forests”.
24 October 2014
PEFC recognized by green building standard BREEAM
Sustainable construction
PEFC has been recognized by BREEAM for its ability to allow the construction industry to source forest products in a responsible way.