Mystical and magical forest landscapes win PEFC Chile’s photo contest

PEFC Chile has presented the winners of their 2022 Photo Contest, with the theme We are part of the forest. Have a look!

Mystical and magical forest landscapes win PEFC Chile’s photo contest

23 August 2022 Forests in photos

PEFC Chile has presented the winners of their 2022 Photo Contest, which had the theme Somos parte del bosque (We are part of the forest). The winning photos were the best among over 1,100 photos that entered the contest.

"Every year, we are surprised by extraordinary images of forests and their biodiversity. This year's winners will be a very competitive representation in the international contest, highlighting the unique richness of Chile's forests," said André Laroze, CEO of PEFC Chile.

Jury member Felipe León, director of sustainable news site Diario Sustentable, added that choosing the winners was a difficult task considering the excellent quality of the images.

"They made us travel through the forests and feel the biodiversity, the water and the air. The photos had a life of their own," he explained.

The winners

Cristóbal Muñoz won first place with the photo ‘Niebla entre milenarias’ (‘Mist among millennia trees’), which captures the cold and beautiful atmosphere of an araucaria forest in the Conguillio National Park in Chile.

"The most important thing is raising awareness about our environment," he explains.

"The photo makes you want to go out and explore the forest," says Constanza Quezada, jury member and teacher at the Escuela de Foto Arte de Chile, an organisation that has supported Chile’s photo contest from the beginning.

Second place went to Giovani Peralta for the image ‘Roca de Sucesión’ (‘Succession Rock’).

The photo captures the flight of a condor in the Araucanía region.

Third place went to Rogelio Méndez who captured an unforgettable sunset with the moon as the protagonist in the Huerquehue National Park.

The Prizes

For first place, Cristóbal receives $800.000 Chilean pesos, Giovani wins $400.000 and Rogelio $200.000 Chilean pesos.

To discover more photos entered into PEFC Chile’s contest, head to Instagram and look for #SomosParteDelBosque2022.

The Photo Contest

PEFC Chile’s contest was one of 13 national photo contests run by PEFC members. We invited photographers and forest lovers to enter their images into the national photo contests and received 7500 photos from forests around the world!

The best photos from the national contests will enter the international contest. The overall winner will be announced in November and will receive a cash prize of 2000 CHF. The top 12 photos will be featured in the 2023 PEFC photo calendar.


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