Guyana achieves PEFC endorsement

Guyana has become the latest country to achieve PEFC endorsement of its national forest certification system, enabling forest owners in the country to obtain PEFC certification.

Guyana achieves PEFC endorsement

5 June 2024 PEFC system news

Guyana has become the latest country to achieve PEFC endorsement of its national forest certification system, enabling forest owners in the country to obtain PEFC certification. It is the 49th country that is covered by a PEFC-endorsed system, and the 5th in South America.

Since the early 2000s, the Government of Guyana has maintained a national wood tracking system, enabling the traceability of timber and timber products from market to forest source.

This system has now evolved into a national forest certification system, endorsed by PEFC International.

“Having a national forest certification system has given recognition and credibility to our existing wood tracking system. It gives assurance that the timber on the market comes from a legal and sustainable source,” explains Basmatee Mohabeer, Assistant Commissioner of Forests, as she received the certificate of endorsement at the PEFC Forest Forum in Paris.

“It also gives both local and international customers the proof that whatever they're buying from the Guyanese market is harvested legally. The landowners are harvesting socially responsibly, especially when they see the PEFC logo on the timber and timber products.”

System development with local expertise

National systems are developed locally, they need to undergo rigorous third-party assessment to ensure consistency with international requirements.

“One of the first things we did was establish a working group of diverse participants with various perspectives,” Basmatee explained.

“It was quite an experience to manage stakeholders' expectations and ensure that each representative's views were respected, and their inputs considered. We had representation from the private sector, particularly the forest sector operators, civil society representing women and youth, academia, indigenous groups, union, and environmental NGOs,” she continued.

“It was nice to see that they were all interested in sustainable forest management and participated inclusively and collaboratively to bring a certification system to Guyana.”

“Now that we have been endorsed, our next step will be to implement the system by encouraging stakeholders to opt for sustainable forest management through private certification.”


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Conflict Timber

See PEFC's guidance following the announcement that all timber originating from Russia and Belarus is ‘conflict timber’.

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