Give your feedback on the regional system of PAFC Congo Basin

Stakeholders from around the region are encouraged to provide their feedback on the first draft of the sustainable forest management standard and the chain of custody standard.

Give your feedback on the regional system of PAFC Congo Basin

8 January 2020 PEFC system news

PAFC Congo Basin has announced the start of the regional public consultation for their forest management certification system. Stakeholders from around the region are encouraged to provide their feedback on the first draft of the sustainable forest management standard and the chain of custody standard.

The public consultation is open from 13 December 2019 until 14 February 2020, to forest management stakeholders interested in participating in the process.

Please give your feedback using this form, and send the completed form to

The 60 day regional-level public consultation is an integral part of the development process of any national or regional standard looking to be endorsed by PEFC. This is one of the final steps in the standard setting process before the final draft of the standard is approved, published, and submitted to PEFC for endorsement.

Point 7.3.2 of the sustainable forest management standard has not been validated by the regional working group, as no consensus has been reached yet. It will be reviewed after the public consultation, taking into account the comments made by stakeholders.

A regional collaboration

Under the name ‘PAFC Congo Basin’, our national members for Cameroon, Congo and Gabon have joined forces in developing a regional certification system. The shared language, the same forest and similar forest legislation in the three neighbouring countries enables PAFC CameroonPAFC Congo and PAFC Gabon to share one system.


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