"Forests Matter" – The Why and What of PEFC for Companies

Learn why forest certification matters in our the new 2-minute video.

"Forests Matter" – The Why and What of PEFC for Companies

8 February 2016 News

While PEFC certification is part of the license to operate for many companies along the timber supply chain, why forest certification matters is not clear to others. Why are forests important, what does PEFC deliver, how can my company contribute? 

These questions are answered in our new 2-minute video:

Video 2:02

The Why and What of PEFC for companies

Why are forests important, what does PEFC deliver, how can my company contribute?


Discover how we're working to align with the EUDR and bring our PEFC EUDR solution to the market.

Conflict Timber

See PEFC's guidance following the announcement that all timber originating from Russia and Belarus is ‘conflict timber’.

PEFC contact

Fabienne Sinclair

Head of Market Engagement

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