Find out more about draft ST 1004, certification body requirements for sustainable forest management

Preparing to give your feedback in the public consultation on ST 1004, but would like more information on this new standard? Watch our special information webinar, in which we introduced the draft ST 1004.

Find out more about draft ST 1004, certification body requirements for sustainable forest management

14 December 2022 PEFC system news

Preparing to give your feedback in the public consultation on ST 1004, requirements for certification bodies operating sustainable forest management certification, but would like more information on this new standard?

Watch the recording of our special information webinar, in which Technical Manager Marta Martínez Pardo introduced the draft ST 1004.

The standard

ST 1004 sets the requirements for certification bodies carrying out PEFC forest management certification. With this new standard, we are harmonizing the requirements for certification bodies, ensuring consistency in the implementation of PEFC sustainable forest management certification worldwide.

It is the first of its kind: a hybrid between a Benchmark and International standard. It includes benchmark requirements to be further developed at national level by national members, and requirements that certification bodies shall directly implement. Doing so, we ensure consistency and harmonisation in implementation, while at the same time enabling adaption to local conditions. 

Public consultation

This vital benchmark standard is entering the last stage of its development, and now we need to hear from you. Give your comments, feedback, and suggestions, to help us ensure this standard meets your needs and expectations. 

To submit your comments, please fill in this form – you will immediately receive a link to the document and instructions on how to give your feedback.

The deadline for comments is 10 January 2023.

If you have any queries, contact us at


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Marta Martínez Pardo

Certification Programme Senior Manager

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