CBFP interactive dialogue in Geneva with Matthew Cassetta, the new CBFP Facilitator

This interactive dialogue was hosted by the U.S. Mission to the United Nations in Geneva.

CBFP interactive dialogue in Geneva with Matthew Cassetta, the new CBFP Facilitator

5 July 2013 News

On 26 June, in Geneva, Switzerland, Matthew Cassetta, the new facilitator of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP), led an interactive dialogue among governments, non-governmental organizations, research groups, and more to discuss protection of regional biodiversity, forest governance, and ways to enhance living conditions in the Central African region.

This interactive dialogue was hosted by the U.S. Mission to the United Nations in Geneva. Its members, many of whom participated in the Mission's interactive dialogue, include governments, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, research groups, and private sector entities.

As a member of CBFP, PEFC was represented at this interactive dialogue by Remi Sournia, PEFC Projects and Development Officer. “CBFP is an important tool for bringing together a diverse range of stakeholders with the objective of promoting the sustainable management of the Congo Basin’s forests,” said Mr. Sournia, “it provides a much-needed platform for dialogue between these stakeholders.”

The CBFP aims to increase dialogue and collaboration as well as support the Central African Forest Commission (COMIFAC) by taking action to protect regional biodiversity, promote good forest governance, and improve living standards in the region. Through this conversation among the partners, Matthew Cassetta presented the U.S. vision for the CBFP, and enabled partners to exchange views on tools and resources that could be used to prevent further deforestation and protect biodiversity through building capacity in local communities.

Mr. Cassetta will be traveling throughout Central Africa over the next several weeks to meet with stakeholders and Partners to advance the goals of the CBFP, including finding new and innovative ways to decrease deforestation and protect biodiversity in Central Africa.


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