Call for Proposals: the 2016 PEFC Collaboration Fund competition is now OPEN

We are investing in local efforts to raise awareness and capacity to promote forest certification, establishing national certification systems, and undertaking research and development for new products and services within PEFC certification.

Call for Proposals: the 2016 PEFC Collaboration Fund competition is now OPEN

27 January 2016 Collaboration Fund

We are delighted to announce that the 2016 Collaboration Fund is now open, and we encourage PEFC members and other non-profit organizations to submit proposals for new and innovative projects before 18 March 2016.  

PEFC Collaboration Fund 2016 Apply now v02

“Since 2011, we have awarded over half a million Swiss Francs to 24 projects with impacts realized in forests and communities all over the world,” commented Sarah Price, Head of Projects & Development at PEFC International.

“We are excited to launch the sixth edition of our Collaboration Fund, and look forward to mobilizing even more unique and fresh ideas from partners committed to supporting our efforts to stimulate growth in forest certification,” Sarah concluded.

Over half a million Swiss Francs invested so far

In the past five years, we have invested more than 520,000 CHF into a wide range of innovative projects around the world. From investing in local efforts to raise awareness and capacity to promote forest certification, establishing national certification systems, and undertaking research and development for new products and services within PEFC certification, these projects are making a difference around the world.

Interested in getting involved?

Through the PEFC Collaboration Fund, PEFC encourages locally relevant advancements in the sustainable management of forests. New and independent projects which embody and stand to deliver on the Fund’s objectives through the eligible means will be considered.

Proposals can request a PEFC contribution of anything up to 40,000 CHF and should have a project timeframe up to two years. Grantees must provide evidence of at least 35% additional co-funding from other sources within the overall project budget. All proposals must be submitted using the application form.

Download the application form and apply by 18 March 2016!


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Rémi Sournia

Head of Member Services

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