Call for nominations: Trees outside Forests Task Force

Call for nominations for experts to join the temporary Trees outside Forests Task Force.

Call for nominations: Trees outside Forests Task Force

8 July 2022 PEFC system news

PEFC is launching a temporary Task Force on Trees outside Forests (TOF TF). PEFC members and SFM Working Group members are invited to nominate experts.

To nominate a candidate, please fill out the nomination form. The nomination deadline is 7 August 2022.

Scope of the task force

The TOF TF will monitor and analyse the implementation and interpretation of PEFC’s benchmark standard for Trees outside Forests management certification, PEFC ST 1003, Sustainable Forest Management – Requirements Annex 2 and advise the PEFC International Board. This Task Force was established by the PEFC International Board under the SFM Working Group. 

Terms of Reference of the Task Force on Trees outside Forests under the PEFC Sustainable Forest Management Working Group 163.16 KB

How to nominate a candidate

Please ensure that your nomination represents one or more of the five stakeholder categories below:

  1. Certified PEFC scheme users: forest owners and managers; forest based industry (processing and trade) (max. 5)
  2. Uncertified PEFC scheme users: PEFC scheme assessors; certification bodies; accreditation bodies; consultants (max. 5)
  3. Customers and consumers: retailer organizations; consumer organizations; institutional consumers of forest based products, including governments (max. 5)
  4. Civil society: indigenous people, workers and trade unions, scientific and technological community, environmental, social and other interest groups (max. 5)
  5. PEFC National Governing Body members (max. 5)

In addition to this wide range of stakeholder interests, we also aim for a balanced representation of genders and regions in the working groups.

We only accept nominations made through the online nomination form. The deadline is 7 August 2022.

Important information

The first meeting, a web conference, will be scheduled for beginning of October. 

Members are expected to participate in meetings consistently, mainly online. The task force will meet at least every 15 days/3 weeks until the end of the year. TF members are also expected to prepare for the meetings, read documents, and actively participate. 

PEFC is not in the position to fund members’ expenses incurred due to participation in the TOF TF.

Nominate your representative now.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 


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Hubert Inhaizer

Forestry & Conservation Manager

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