Call for nominations: PEFC Chain of Custody Working Group

This working group is responsible for the development of the PEFC chain of custody. The nomination deadline is 11 June 2023.

Call for nominations: PEFC Chain of Custody Working Group

12 May 2023 PEFC system news

PEFC invites stakeholders globally to nominate candidates for the vacant seats on the permanent PEFC Chain of Custody Working Group.

Nominations from the civil society and the customers and consumers stakeholder groups are encouraged. Moreover, while we have a good representation from the paper and packaging sector, we are also looking for certified scheme users from other sectors. 

To nominate a candidate to participate in the working group, please fill out the nomination form. The nomination deadline is 11 June 2023.

Responsibilities of the working group

This working group is responsible for the development of the PEFC chain of custody, including the maintenance of the following standards:

  • PEFC ST 2001, PEFC Trademarks
  • PEFC ST 2002, PEFC Chain of Custody
  • PEFC ST 2003, Certification Body Requirements – Chain of Custody 

The PEFC Chain of Custody Working Group works on the further implementation and interpretation of these standards and the development of new tools. It also ensures the PEFC chain of custody is up to date regarding stakeholder needs, technology developments and certification demands.

How to nominate a candidate

Please ensure that your nomination represents one or more of the five stakeholder categories below:

  • Certified PEFC scheme users: forest owners and managers; forest-based industry (processing and trade).
  • Uncertified PEFC scheme users: PEFC scheme assessors; certification bodies; accreditation bodies; consultants.
  • Customers and consumers: retailer organizations; consumer organizations; institutional consumers of forest-based products, including governments.
  • Civil society: indigenous people; workers and trade unions; scientific and technological community; environmental, social, and other interest groups.
  • PEFC National Governing Body members.

In addition to this range of stakeholder interests, we also aim for a balanced representation of genders and regions in the working groups. Nominations from Latin America, Africa, Asia, and Oceania are encouraged. 

Please note, we only accept nominations made through the online nomination form. The deadline is 11 June 2023.

Important information

Chain of Custody Working Group membership is renewed every two years. WG members’ responsibilities include: 

  • Actively participate in WG discussions
  • Provide feedback on the documents, both in preparation and during the meetings
  • Contribute to building consensus within the WG
  • Follow WG communications 
  • Attend at least 80% of the meetings per year
  • Participate in the WG in accordance with its Terms of Reference
  • Maintain appropriate confidentiality
  • Inform the Secretariat in advance in case of non-attendance to a WG meeting

Members are expected to participate in meetings consistently and in person as much as possible. The WG meets twice a year for long meetings, and every one or two months for short meetings. The short meetings are normally held virtually while the long meetings can be in-person. Additionally, WG members may engage in Task Forces on specific topics. 

For 2023, the WG has the following meetings planned:

  • 2-5 July, 14:00 - 17:00 CEST, remote (dates to be confirmed)
  • 12 September, 14:00 to 15:30 CEST, remote
  • 2-5 October, in person, either in Sydney, Australia or Romania (to be determined)
  • 22 November, 14:00 to 15:30M CET, remote
  • 13 December, 14:00 to 15:30 CET, remote

PEFC is not in the position to fund members’ expenses incurred due to participation in the working group, unless otherwise agreed with PEFC’s Secretary General in writing.

If you have any questions, please contact us at


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Marta Martínez Pardo

Certification Programme Senior Manager

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