Call for nominations: Certification Body Requirements for Sustainable Forest Management Certification Working Group

Nominate your representative by 17 October 2021.

Call for nominations: Certification Body Requirements for Sustainable Forest Management Certification Working Group

1 October 2021 PEFC system news

PEFC invites stakeholders globally to nominate candidates from the conformity assessment community, civil society, and customers and consumers, to complete the Certification Body Requirements for Sustainable Forest Management Certification Working Group.

This temporary working group is responsible for the development of PEFC ST 1004, Requirements for Certification Bodies conducting PEFC Forest Management certification. This standard will set the requirements for certification bodies that carry out PEFC forest management certification, replacing the current Annexe 6.

Work on the new PEFC ST 1004 is already well advanced, with the working group expected to work on finalizing the document over the next months.

The working group (WG 2) was launched in 2016 as part of the PEFC standards revision process. Together with the development of the draft PEFC ST 1004, it was responsible for the revision of the PEFC Group Certification standard (ST 1002), which was approved in November 2018. The WG will continue the work already done on PEFC ST 1004. 

This call for nominations is to complete the vacant seats within the group, ensuring it covers all the required stakeholder categories and enable it to finish the development of ST 1004.

To nominate a candidate to participate in the working group, please fill out the nomination form. The nomination deadline is 17 October 2021.

How to nominate a candidate

As this working group is already formed, we are only looking for nominations for specific stakeholder categories. Please only provide nominations for the following categories:

  • Conformity assessment community (certification bodies, accreditation bodies, PEFC scheme assessors, consultants)
  • Customers and consumers (retailer organizations, consumer organizations, institutional consumers of forest-based products including governments)
  • Civil society (science, environmental, social, and other interest groups)

In addition to this wide range of stakeholder interests, we also aim for a balanced representation of genders and regions in the working groups.

We only accept nominations made through the online nomination form. The deadline is 17 October 2021.

Important information

The first meeting will take place online in late November or early December. It is expected to take place over two days and all WG members are required to attend. In addition, members need to read a number of documents and send their comments in advance of the meeting. 

There will be a second meeting in early 2022. The aim of both meetings is to finalize the work already done by the working group.

Nominate your representative now.

Find out more

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Marta Martinez Pardo at


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Marta Martínez Pardo

Certification Programme Senior Manager

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