Building with timber, a love story for millennia

Mark Wayne Probert from Binderholz is one of three experts joining us for our PEFC Webinar: Building a better future with certified timber on 16 December.

Building with timber, a love story for millennia

30 November 2020 Sustainable construction

Humans have been using wood to build their homes for more than 10,000 years. It’s a material that we have long trusted and relied on. But how we use timber to build has changed, with the latest technologies meaning this ancient building material remains state-of-the-art.

One of the most exciting developments across the construction landscape is the growth and increased use of mass engineered timber (MET). 

MET products, such as cross laminated timber (CLT) and glued laminated timber (glulam), are both a popular and fashionable way to build strong, stable structures, while bringing a striking architectural dimension to modern building design. 

Not only quick to erect, lightweight and fire resistant, MET products are THE renewable building material. Compared to concrete, steel, cement and glass, wood requires less energy in production and rather than emitting carbon, it stores it. 

One fantastic example of MET in construction is the stunning MalisGarten, the world’s first 5-storey hotel made from PEFC-certified timber. Opened earlier this year in June, in the Zillertal valley of Austria, MalisGarten was built from CLT and glulam supplied by Binderholz Bausysteme GmbH. 

But why did Binderholz choose to use PEFC-certified timber? And how do they ensure that 100% of the tree is used in the production of their sustainable and innovative products? Let’s find out!

Mark Wayne Probert from Binderholz is one of the three experts joining us for our PEFC Webinar: Building a better future with certified timber on 16 December at 11:00-12:00 CET.

Find out more about the webinar, or register for free now!

PEFC Webinar: Building a better future with certified timber

Alongside Paul Jarquin, President and founder of REI Habitat, and Mark Thomson, architect and Director of Eco-Effective Solutions, Mark Wayne will take us through the manufacturing journey, from PEFC-certified forests to innovative mass engineered timber (MET) technology.

Mark Wayne’s love for wood started at a young age as a carpenter. Today, he is the Chairman of the Western Timber Trade Association (WTTA) and a Director of the Timber Trade Federation in the UK. 

From a small sawmill operation 60 years ago, BinderHolz has grown to become the largest CLT manufacturer in Europe, equipped with cutting-edge technologies and production methods, and a reputation to match.

Spaces are limited – register for free now!

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