PEFC: on the path to EUDR alignment

PEFC: on the path to EUDR alignment

EU Deforestation Regulation

On 27 February we shared all the latest developments at PEFC as we progress on our roadmap to EUDR alignment. If you missed it, check out the recording.

Over the two sessions, we were delighted to welcome 1500 participants interested to learn more about our progress in developing the PEFC EUDR solution for the market.

Our PEFC experts took us through the advances we have made in aligning our sustainable forest management and chain of custody standards with EUDR requirements, as well as looking at the vital data and integrity elements. 

See the webinar takeaways and FAQ, based on the questions received during the webinar:

Webinar takeaways: PEFC, on the path to EUDR alignment 1.11 MB
FAQ: PEFC's alignment with EUDR 155.52 KB

Chain of custody

Marta Martinez Pardo, our Technical Manager and Chain of Custody expert, gave an overview of the PEFC EUDR DDS (due diligence system) we are developing to help our PEFC chain of custody certified organisations comply with their EUDR obligations.

This voluntary tool will be easily integrated within the current PEFC chain of custody processes, with companies deciding whether they implement the ST 2002 chain of custody DDS or replace it with the PEFC EUDR DDS, at product group level.

Data and integrity

Rob Shaw, Senior Integrity Manager and Data expert, highlighted our increasing number of interactions with external partners, including the European Space Agency (EUSPA), who are going to fund a pilot project with us. He also explained how we’re researching IT service providers that we could partner with to benefit from their technical solutions.

Future focuses include issuing guidance and training to PEFC chain of custody certified organisations and certification bodies, as well as the development of optional due diligence statements and risk assessment solutions through technology. We’re also looking at how PEFC can help certified forests and smallholders to capture geolocation data and move it efficiently through the supply chain.  

Sustainable Forest Management and EU updates

Hubert Inhaizer, our Sustainable Forest Management expert, and Maja Drca, our EU representative, also provided comprehensive updates on the work we’re doing to ensure PEFC-certified material is ready for EU supply chains and relevant information from the European Commission, respectively.

Further information

To find out more about how PEFC is your partner for EUDR, please visit our PEFC EUDR website

Sign up to our Technical Matters newsletter to keep up to date on all the latest PEFC EUDR news.

If you have any questions or queries regarding PEFC and our alignment with EUDR, please contact us at


27 February 2024

15:00 - 16:30 (UTC+2)

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PEFC contact

Hubert Inhaizer

Forestry & Conservation Manager

Maja Drca

EU Representative

Marta Martínez Pardo

Certification Programme Senior Manager

Rob Shaw

Head of Standards & Integrity

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