Our Projects

We use our projects and partnerships to support the growth of forest certification around the world.

Our projects

Preparing South Africa’s small-forest owners for certification


With South Africa's national forest certification system now PEFC-endorsed, this project will ensure that small-forest owners are able to achieve certification and benefit from the advantages it brings.

Reaching Portugal’s small-forest owners through group certification


86% of Portugal’s forests are owned by small private landowners, but only a few of these landowners had achieved certification. This project increased this number through the development of PEFC group certification.

Indonesia’s community forests: learning from the past to improve the future


Community forests play an important role within Indonesia, but their certification continues to be a challenge. This project developed a new community forestry standard to make forest certification more accessible to these communities.

Establishing group certification for New Zealand’s small-forest owners


Over half a million hectares of New Zealand’s forests are owned by small forest growers, but uptake of certification had remained low. This project has made certification accessible through the development of a PEFC group certification system.

Promoting sustainable forest management among Latvian forest owners


Latvia's fragmented property structure meant private forest certification was a challenge. Thanks to this project, private forest owners in Latvia have achieved PEFC certification. 

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26 July 2024

PEFC EUDR DDS standard module published

EU Deforestation Regulation

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