Our Projects

We use our projects and partnerships to support the growth of forest certification around the world.

Our projects

PEFC-certified cork campaign

Non-wood forest products

If managed appropriately, cork production is sustainable. This project promoted cork certification at both ends of the supply chain: creating demand and encouraging sustainable production.

Indigenous Peoples & Certification


Raising the awareness of indigenous communities in Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines to the opportunities and benefits offered by forest certification.

Working towards a national forest certification system in Nepal


Supporting Nepal’s stakeholders as they begin to develop a national forest certification system – the first of its kind in the country.

1 June 2016

Exploring the potential of forests in fashion


Forest certification never stands still, and we always look to involve new sectors and enable the certification of new products. Past projects have developed the certification of rubber wood, cork and wild food - in 2016 we entered the world of fashion!

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